
“Picture Logic” is a puzzle game that uses only numbers as hints. We update every Monday and Thursday.


Upload and download solved data (checkmark)

Solved data (data of which puzzles you solved) is stored in the browser’s local storage.
You can download the solved data from the old site and upload it here to take over.
If both the data from this site and the data from the old site exist, the two data will be merged and stored.


Upload the solved data.
You can also upload data from old sites.
If you change the environment such as browser or PC, please upload in the changed environment.

( “picturelogic_cleared.txt” only. Please do not upload any other data. )


You can download the solved data.
If you want to change the environment such as browser or PC, please download from here and upload in the changed environment.

Download picturelogic_cleared.txt

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